Friday, September 23, 2016

Week 2

     This week we started getting into the project more. We started out the week by meeting in class on Monday. After Dr. Gordon lectured, we spent the remaining two hours creating a mind map detailing our areas of needs, as well as researching further topics of interest, such as: the daily tasks and typical schedules for current ISS (International Space Station) astronauts, levels of torque typically experienced on different joints, and bone density loss.

Initial needs brainstorming

Needs mind map

     The following day we met to further specify our project needs and brainstorm specifications.

Specifications brainstorming
     On Wednesday and Thursday, we started brainstorming project constraints and possible strategies that we could use when designing our project. We found that brainstorming 100 strategy ideas in an hour-long brainstorming session was extremely difficult for our topic, and did not accomplish this goal. Further time will be spent over the weekend compiling documents for the Deliverable and brainstorming further strategies.

We were told that candy helps the brainstorming process
Example of some of the strategy ideas suggested during the brainstorming session

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Week 1

This week was the first week of Capstone! We were assigned our projects and groups and given the instructions for Deliverable 1. This included completing a client meeting, writing the problem definition and functional requirements, as well as doing some initial background research. Our team is composed of four members: Max Murphy, Isaac Need, Jake Yraceburu, and Kimberli Graham. Our project is to create a device that will help prevent bone and muscle loss in astronauts.

Outside of class and the client meeting, we met twice as a group this week in order to complete the tasks for Deliverable 1.

                                               Introducing Team Under Pressure!